*Since June 1, 2020, we have recorded and released a different chorale by J.S. Bach every Monday, with the hope of bringing our listeners a moment of peace and beauty each week during this challenging time.

We begin every quartet rehearsal the same way: by playing a Bach chorale. We do it for a multitude of reasons. First, we absolutely love them. We find them to be perfect gems - seemingly simple yet profound, they illuminate the unending magic of Bach’s harmonic genius. Second, they help us warm up together - as we play we work to deepen our listening, sharpen our awareness, strive for unity of sound, expand our color palette, react to harmony, fine-tune our group pitch, and undertake a myriad of other sonic, technical, and musical explorations. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, starting our rehearsals this way focuses our minds together in the same place. It is an opportunity for us to detach from the infinite ping-pong of thought (did the babysitter get the baby to stop crying? I forgot to send that email this morning! What am I going to say when I speak in the concert tonight!?), and ground ourselves in the present - almost like a meditation we embark upon together before we confront the complexities of whatever repertoire or project lies ahead.

It goes without saying that we are living in a challenging time. The world has shifted in ways inconceivable only a few months ago due to Covid-19, and protestors flood the streets in cities across the nation in opposition to systemic racism. We find ourselves turning now more than ever to music for strength and comfort.

Enter the inspiration for our new Bach for All project. Starting today, we will record one of Bach’s chorales each week and deliver it to your inbox on Monday mornings. Additionally, we’ll be updating the link above with the newest chorale every week. Our hope is that the weekly chorale will provide for many what it provides for us: an opportunity for one minute of beauty and peace to focus the mind and inspire the heart. Our aim is to support and celebrate the strength and goodness of humanity coming together in the face of adversity.

We’ll continue to release new concert footage from live performances that took place before isolation on our social media channels, and to concoct additional creative ways of making more music together from afar. But there is something uniquely magical about these chorales that we feel is fitting in this present moment. We are hopeful they will lift spirits, hearts, and minds during this unparalleled time, while becoming a moment for a deep breath in your new weekly routine.

With togetherness, despite the distance,

Nick, Rachel, Caitlin, and Alan

June 1, 2020